American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute was established in 1953, the Educational Institute, one of the finest nonprofit member benefits of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, is the premier source for delivering quality hospitality education, training and professional certification that serves the needs of hospitality schools and industries worldwide.
The Educational Institute continues to meet and exceed its education and training mission by providing materials for all levels of hospitality personnel via: courses, videos, seminars, textbooks, and study guides.
Professional certification from the Educational Institute is the ultimate distinction of professional excellence for the hospitality industry. The Educational Institute certifies and validates competencies in conjunction with academia and industry experts for over 35 positions in the hospitality industry; designations from front-line to general manager, including the prestigious CHA – the Certified Hotel Administrator.
The Educational Institute extends its reputation around the globe to serve the needs of learning institutions and hotel organizations through more than 90 licensed affiliates in 54 countries. The Educational Institute also has an official office located in India, and holds exclusive Hospitality Education Program (HEP) license agreements in 45 countries connecting the Educational Institute’s research and expertise to hospitality operations throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. EI’s 2010 audited financial statements and 2009 FORM 990, “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax,” provides details of its operations and financial positions.